I'm going to go visit my mom this weekend, this song came to mind.
How stupid do they think we are?
Friday, April 10, 2015
Germanwings crash: Not the full story?
Vatic Note: Another exposed false flag. You
would think with all these practice false flags, these Khazars would be
experts at it, and yet, they flub it every time. Worse, it sounds like a
set up to me, without regard to the damage such slander lays upon the
family of the co-pilot. ARE WE SICK OF THIS CRAP YET??? WE SHOULD BE
I think that bothers me as much as the actual loss of life bothers me; the incredible lack of caring of the pain and suffering of the man's family and friends who supported him due to the Khazars' manipulation and agenda. Its bad enough he lost his life, but his children and family will be taunted by others for his being responsible for all those other deaths. What a crime that is.
After reading this below, the various elements below became obvious to me that it was no different than other false flag air accidents such as the Wellstone crash that killed a Senator that could not be bought off. We did a blog on that one way back when. We also did a blog on the accidental crash of JFK Jr who announced his run against Hillary Clinton for US Senate seat in NY. How convenient.
When I heard about the crash of Germanwings Flight GWI9525 in the French Alps on the morning of March 24th, I was shocked, but to be honest, not that shocked. It's not that I expected it to happen, but this was the fifth such incident in the last year. If that frequency is maintained, the statistically-very-low chances of meeting an untimely end on a commercial flight will have to be recalculated.
In the immediate aftermath of the crash I, like many others around the world, waited patiently for the details. What could possibly cause a modern, albeit a little aged, first-generation Airbus A320 to suddenly drop out of the sky and slam into a mountain side? I had a few theories, among them the incapacitating effects of an 'EMP' from an exploding overhead space rock. The shocking rise in fireball/meteorite sightings over the past 10 years makes this plausible, and might well have been the cause of the crash of AF447 into the South Atlantic ocean in 2009. But I waited, and I expected to wait because investigations of this sort can, and should, take quite a while to complete.
When dealing with airplane crashes, the most important information, even more important than the cockpit voice recordings, is the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) or ADR (Accident Data Recorder). The FDR records instructions sent to all electronic systems on an aircraft, including the auto-pilot and the security system for the entry to the cockpit.
Whatever information might be provided by the conversation between the pilot and co-pilot in the cockpit would have to be corroborated or confirmed by the hard data from the FDR. Analyzing this data naturally takes several days or weeks, so it was surprising that, within 24 hours of the crash, the New York Times had cited an unnamed “senior French military official” as saying that one of the pilots was locked out of the cockpit by the other and that was what caused the crash. The NY Times quotes the military official:
As the NY Times went to print on Wednesday, the head of the BEA was giving a press conference that was rightly cautious. BEA head Remi Jouty told reporters that while the CVR had yielded sounds and voices, there was not the “slightest explanation” of why the plane crashed and that days or weeks would be needed to decipher them. “There's work of understanding voices, sounds, alarms, attribution of different voices,” he said.
Despite this, one day after the premature conclusions of the military official as revealed by the NY Times and the cautious comments of the BEA chief, public prosecutor Brice Robin agreed with the military official's conclusion and decided to open a criminal prosecution case, saying: “the intention was to destroy the plane”. This is a disturbingly premature approach for a public prosecutor to take and it makes us wonder if someone wanted to quickly establish a narrative that would become the official story rather than wait for the results of a thorough investigation. Indeed, the act of declaring the crash a criminal case means that the investigation will no longer be primarily conducted by the BEA.
Whether or not a full investigation by anyone can even take place has, however, been thrown into doubt with conflicting stories about the all-important second “black box” or Flight Data Recorder. In the same story where it first published the comments by the French military official that established the “suicide co-pilot” narrative, the New York Times claimed that the second black box housing the FDR had been found but the data card containing the information was missing. More recently, official sources in Europe have said that the FDR box itself “may never be found”. I have to say, that's a little too convenient for my taste.
Wreckage from the crash. The plane virtually disintegrated.
After the initial release of the basic information from the CVR about the “voices” and “lock out” from the cockpit, further details have been added and the story fleshed out by the mainstream media, with some pundits going so far as to 'imagine' what the pilot was thinking. Chief reporter for the UK Telegraph Gordon Rayner, for example, mused:
Amid this navel gazing, scant media coverage has been given to the eyewitnesses who heard anI think that bothers me as much as the actual loss of life bothers me; the incredible lack of caring of the pain and suffering of the man's family and friends who supported him due to the Khazars' manipulation and agenda. Its bad enough he lost his life, but his children and family will be taunted by others for his being responsible for all those other deaths. What a crime that is.
After reading this below, the various elements below became obvious to me that it was no different than other false flag air accidents such as the Wellstone crash that killed a Senator that could not be bought off. We did a blog on that one way back when. We also did a blog on the accidental crash of JFK Jr who announced his run against Hillary Clinton for US Senate seat in NY. How convenient.
When I heard about the crash of Germanwings Flight GWI9525 in the French Alps on the morning of March 24th, I was shocked, but to be honest, not that shocked. It's not that I expected it to happen, but this was the fifth such incident in the last year. If that frequency is maintained, the statistically-very-low chances of meeting an untimely end on a commercial flight will have to be recalculated.
In the immediate aftermath of the crash I, like many others around the world, waited patiently for the details. What could possibly cause a modern, albeit a little aged, first-generation Airbus A320 to suddenly drop out of the sky and slam into a mountain side? I had a few theories, among them the incapacitating effects of an 'EMP' from an exploding overhead space rock. The shocking rise in fireball/meteorite sightings over the past 10 years makes this plausible, and might well have been the cause of the crash of AF447 into the South Atlantic ocean in 2009. But I waited, and I expected to wait because investigations of this sort can, and should, take quite a while to complete.
When dealing with airplane crashes, the most important information, even more important than the cockpit voice recordings, is the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) or ADR (Accident Data Recorder). The FDR records instructions sent to all electronic systems on an aircraft, including the auto-pilot and the security system for the entry to the cockpit.
Whatever information might be provided by the conversation between the pilot and co-pilot in the cockpit would have to be corroborated or confirmed by the hard data from the FDR. Analyzing this data naturally takes several days or weeks, so it was surprising that, within 24 hours of the crash, the New York Times had cited an unnamed “senior French military official” as saying that one of the pilots was locked out of the cockpit by the other and that was what caused the crash. The NY Times quotes the military official:
“The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door, and there is no answer,” the investigator said. “And then he hits the door stronger, and no answer. There is never an answer. You can hear he is trying to smash the door down. [...] what is sure is that at the very end of the flight, the other pilot is alone and does not open the door.”The precipitous release of this information appears to have undermined the official investigation that is being conducted by the French 'Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety' (BEA) a civilian, not military, agency of the French government responsible for investigating aviation accidents, and established a narrative that has become the official truth of what happened to the plane – it was deliberately crashed by co-pilot Andreas Lubitz.
As the NY Times went to print on Wednesday, the head of the BEA was giving a press conference that was rightly cautious. BEA head Remi Jouty told reporters that while the CVR had yielded sounds and voices, there was not the “slightest explanation” of why the plane crashed and that days or weeks would be needed to decipher them. “There's work of understanding voices, sounds, alarms, attribution of different voices,” he said.
Despite this, one day after the premature conclusions of the military official as revealed by the NY Times and the cautious comments of the BEA chief, public prosecutor Brice Robin agreed with the military official's conclusion and decided to open a criminal prosecution case, saying: “the intention was to destroy the plane”. This is a disturbingly premature approach for a public prosecutor to take and it makes us wonder if someone wanted to quickly establish a narrative that would become the official story rather than wait for the results of a thorough investigation. Indeed, the act of declaring the crash a criminal case means that the investigation will no longer be primarily conducted by the BEA.
Whether or not a full investigation by anyone can even take place has, however, been thrown into doubt with conflicting stories about the all-important second “black box” or Flight Data Recorder. In the same story where it first published the comments by the French military official that established the “suicide co-pilot” narrative, the New York Times claimed that the second black box housing the FDR had been found but the data card containing the information was missing. More recently, official sources in Europe have said that the FDR box itself “may never be found”. I have to say, that's a little too convenient for my taste.

After the initial release of the basic information from the CVR about the “voices” and “lock out” from the cockpit, further details have been added and the story fleshed out by the mainstream media, with some pundits going so far as to 'imagine' what the pilot was thinking. Chief reporter for the UK Telegraph Gordon Rayner, for example, mused:
“Something changed when Capt Sonderheimer began briefing Lubitz on the landing programme. Lubitz, 27, became “curt” in his replies, but, fatefully, Capt Sonderheimer thought nothing of it.”
explosion and saw smoke coming out of the plane shortly before it crashed. A helicopter pilot in the French Air Force based in Orange, 30 minutes away from the site of the crash, said that the French Air Force had received a number of corroborating witness testimonies on this point.
He also confirmed that debris was found upstream from the crash site – which he said confirmed the fact that the piece of fuselage had “been detached from the aircraft before impact”.
But the mainstream media rumor mill was already in full flow, and in the space of four days, co-pilot Andreas Lubitz went from an enthusiastic, outgoing young aviator with no sign of depression and dreams of becoming a long-haul flight captain, to a raging narcissistic depressive with a vision problem and a homicidal death wish, and 'evidence' taken from his house to back it up.
One of the major pieces of data used to justify the “suicide pilot” story comes from the alleged CVR recording where, we are told, Lubitz's 'breath' can be heard. This claim has been directly contested by Gerard Arnoux, an 18-year Air France captain and spokesperson for the national monitoring committee on aviation safety, who appeared on 'Le Grande Journal' two days after the crash. Arnoux stated that there were three errors in the official story:
1) It is not possible to hear a pilot's breath on the CVR. Arnoux states that the cockpit of 1st generation A320s are very noisy, so much so that, in flight, pilots had to use headsets to speak to each other. The idea that the CVR could pick up Lubitz's breath with so much ambient noise is not possible, according to Arnoux.
2) The official story claims that investigators heard the 'beep' of the knob that Lubitz used to start the plane on its descent. Arnoux states categorically that this knob makes no sound.
3) Arnoux also wonders why no mention was made by investigators of hearing the loud strident beeping made by the cockpit door console when the emergency access code is entered to open the cockpit door. Arnoux recognizes that the emergency unlock code could have been overridden by someone in the cockpit manually holding the lock button down, but this would not have prevented the beeping once the code was entered outside.
Article continues at beforeitsnews.com
Wednesday, April 08, 2015
Monday, April 06, 2015
Thursday, April 02, 2015
Las Vegas Tribune Links Mass Illness To Chemtrails

Editor’s Note: Las Vegas residents are increasingly noticing the appearance of chemical trails overhead.
The difference is that while condensation trails are composed of water vapor that dissipates rapidly, “chemtrails” linger much longer and spread out over time to eventually cover the sky with a thin haze.
This week the Las Vegas Tribune begins a two-part article to examine the undeniable and mysterious phenomena of Chemtrails Over Las Vegas.Last year a concerned reader wrote to the Idaho Observer: “Driving across Idaho and Nevada we saw normal condensation trails in the skies above north Idaho and we were habitually looking up as we drove toward Las Vegas.
We had noticed that the sparsely populated areas in Nevada had brilliantly clear blue skies and that the occasional airplane left vapor trails that dissipated normally.
But as soon as we neared Las Vegas, in the skies directly above the city, we watched what appeared to be a military C-135 Transports spraying something over the populated areas. When the planes were no longer directly over Las Vegas, they continued flying leaving a vapor trail that dissipated normally.”
It has been reported that the “chemtrails” contain ethylene dibromide — a substance that has been an additive to gasoline and airplane fuels as well as a banned pesticide. Ethylene dibromide has been linked to kidney and liver damage and is an immunosuppressive and a lung irritant.
William Thomas, who has researched chemtrails since their appearance in the latter 90s, has noted stunted plant growth in once-healthy gardens and wilderness areas in Santa Fe and Aspen. Similar plant problems are commonly associated with chemtrails in other regions of the U.S.
A brief history of the chemtrail phenomenon can be traced to a Washington state man who told award-winning investigative reporter William Thomas that he’d become ill on New Year’s Day 1999 after watching several jets make strange lines in the sky. Within six months, Thomas, writing primarily for the Environmental News Service, has detailed 1000s of eyewitness reports of chemtrails from 40 states.
“Mainstream newspapers have gone out of their way to dismiss these eyewitness accounts,” Thomas told the New Mexican newspaper in June 1999, “It’s easier to sell UFOs to major media than a phenomena as close in many cities as the nearest window.”
Especially disturbing for residents of heavily chemtrailed communities like Las Vegas is a “chemtrail sickness” associated with heavy spray days leaving many stricken people complaining of the “flu” and acute allergic reactions months after the flu season has ended. Upper and lower respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments remain unusually high in many spray areas, along with debilitating fatigue – and something even more worrying.
What’s going on?
Thomas is convinced that we are under “deliberate biological attack” by agents known only to top military and government officials responsible for permitting continuing over-flights by unmarked spray aircraft.
Government officials deny that anything unusual is taking place, yet increasing numbers of concerned observers are seeing 727-like aircraft painted “all-white with a black stripe up the middle of fuselage” laying long and often cries-crossing chemtrail patterns over Southern Nevada and elsewhere. None of the planes carry identifying markings.
Pat Edgar has been watching the jets spraying over eastern Oklahoma since a sunny day in October, 1997 when as many as 30 contrails gradually occluded the sky. “They look like they’re playing tic-tac-toe up there,” he says. “You know darn well it’s not passenger planes.” Edgar says he has watched “cob-webbing stuff coming down” from the zigzagging jets flying “all day long, line after line, back-and-forth, like furrows in a farm field.” Edgar adds “There is a lot of Lupus in the area now. A lot of women have come down with it.”
One source, who spoke to the Tribune under condition of anonymity, working as a civilian archeologist on government land throughout Nevada, began to notice “all white unmarked aircraft” preparing for take-off at Nellis AFB and at the Mancamp Complex near Tonapah in the late-90s. “It was these unmarked planes that were constantly laying down the criss-crossing X patterns of lingering chemical-spray trails over Southern Nevada.” When the archeologist asked the military escort who accompanied the civilian research team into ‘sensitive’ areas around Nellis, about the planes, the reply received was, “You didn’t see anything.”
Another Las Vegas resident, Sandy Range, grew up within an outdoors field and stream-type family and has been watching the weather and the skies all her life. Holding a degree from Syracuse University, Range moved to Las Vegas in 1989. “I first began to notice the chemtrails in late ’96 – 14 criss-crossed miles-long vapor trails that didn’t evaporate like the norm. I began to see them weekly, then daily,” Range states matter-of-factly.
One early morning in ’99 Range was returing from Henderson when a low-flying craft dropped a trail right overhead along Boulder Highway. “It covered my car with a sticky web-like coating and I saved a specimen in a jar. Microscopic fiber-like filaments,” Range reports.
Government denials, as usual.
Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio authored the Space Preservation Act of 2001, which sought a “permanent ban against weapons in space,” specifically banning “chemtrails” as weapons. But in a subsequent version of the bill, the “chemtrails” language disappeared entirely. The missing words suggest an eyes-wide-open denial, which says as much about the cover-up as it does about the spraying that’s plainly visible in the sky.
In a front-page story entitled “Conspiracy theorists look up,” the Akron Beacon Journal noted that Kucinich’s bill “had been rewrittenand the references to chemtrails and the other types of weapons were quietly eliminated.” The Beacon Journal article, linking chemtrails to conspiracies, resulted from massive local pressure. Michel Massullo of Akron provided that newspaper with rolls of photos of plane trails and a sworn affidavit attesting to extensive aerial activity over that city.
The U.S. Air Force Website refutes the “Chemtrail Hoax” as having been around since 1996, “accusing the Air Force of being involved in spraying the U.S. population” with mysterious substances: “Several authors cite an Air University research paper titled ‘Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025′ that suggests the Air Force is conducting weather modification experiments.
The purpose of that paper was part of a thesis to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather modification system to achieve military objectives and it does not reflect current military policy, practice, or capability. The Air Force is not conducting any weather modification experiments or programs and has no plans to do so in the future. The ‘chemtrail’ hoax has been investigated and refuted by many established and accredited universities, scientific organizations, and major media publications.”
Explaining the government’s position, Lieutenant Colonel Michael K. Gibson of the U.S. Air Force wrote U.S. Representative Mark Green in August 2000 and stated, “The term ‘chemtrail’ is a hoax that began circulating approximately three years ago which asserts the government is involved in a joint federal program of covert spraying of the public.”
But many intelligent researchers call Gibson’s communique a classic non-denial denial: Gibson is denying that the Air Force is secretly spraying U.S. citizens. The reality is the U.S. Space Command and other government agencies are involved in ongoing experiments for military and environmental purposes that involve aerial spraying, and the microfibers and other sprayed chemicals inevitably fall to earth, putting the public at risk.
Before you believe Gibson’s and the government’s “denial,” do an Internet search for the following terms: “Joint Vision for 2020″ and “Weather is a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025″, a whitepaper by MIT’s Bernard Eastlund and H-bomb father Edward Teller. Before he died in 2003, Teller was director emeritus of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where plans for nuclear, biological and directed energy weapons are crafted. In 1997, Teller publicly outlined his proposal to use aircraft to scatter through the stratosphere millions of tons of electrically-conductive metallic materials, ostensibly to reduce global warming.
Two scientists working at Wright Patterson Air Force Base confirmed to the Ohio newspaper, Columbus Alive, that they were involved in aerial spraying experiments. One involved aluminum oxide spraying related to global warming and the other involved barium stearate and had to do with high-tech military communications. And even in the face of government denials, environmental laboratories have begun to identify an extremely toxic component of the spray drifting over cities and countryside. Several independent sources claim that samples of fallout from the lingering smoke trails and have been independently tested and found to contain ethylene dibromide (EDB).
In 1998, a US Air Force public affairs officer told residents of Las Vegas that their sudden upsurge of respiratory ailments could have come from “routine” fuel-dumping by military aircraft reducing weight for landing.
An extremely hazardous pesticide, EDB was banned by the US Environmental Protection Agency in 1983. But in 1991, the composition of jet fuel used by commercial and military jet aircraft in the U.S. was changed from JP4 to somewhat less flammable JP8. A Department of Defense source says the move “has saved some lives” in air crashes. Ethylene dibromide is a key component of JP8.
The 1991 Chemical Hazards of the Workplace warns that repeated exposure to low levels of ethylene dibromide results in “general weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, chest pains, coughing and shortness of breath, upper respiratory tract irritation” and respiratory failure caused by swelling of the lymph glands in the lungs. “Deterioration of the heart, liver and kidneys, and hemorrhages in the respiratory tract,” can also result from prolonged contact with JP8.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s hazardous materials list: “Ethylene dibromide is a carcinogen and must be handled with extreme caution.” A seven-page summary of this pesticide’s extreme toxicity notes that EDB may also damage the reproductive system. According to the EPA, “Exposure can irritate the lungs, repeated exposure may cause bronchitis, development of cough, and shortness of breath. It will damage the liver and kidneys”.
Article continues at beforeitsnews.com
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Stray Dogs Show up at a Funeral to Pay Respects to the Kindly Lady Who Used to Feed Them
A funeral
for a woman in Mexico took an unexpected turn when a number of stray
dogs unexpectedly showed up to pay their respects.
Animal lover Margarita Suarez of Merida, Yucatan, passed away earlier this month after battling illness.
her life she was known for her kindness to all kinds of animals and
every morning she would feed the stray dogs and cats that would show up
at her home.

She was also known for taking a bag of food along when she went out so she could treat other strays she encountered, reports Misiones Online.
Family members were stunned when the dogs suddenly appeared at the funeral parlor where Margarita's body was being kept.
Workers at the funeral home denied any knowledge of the animals and said they had never seen them before.
that the animals had come to pay their respects to Margarita, the staff
allowed the dogs to come in and they laid peacefully on the floor near
the woman's coffin.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3017369/Astonishing-scenes-woman-s-funeral-stray-dogs-unexpectedly-pay-respects-lady-used-feed-them.html#ixzz3VzrruoJJ
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