
Friday, February 15, 2008

Profile Not Available

I don't get it. Lately I've seen some cool comments by some people that seem to think kind of like me but when I try to go to their blog, I get one of these.
Profile Not Available
What's the deal? They just want to comment? Their blog is top secret?
Their paranoia is even grander than mine?
Just wondering (and bitching a little).


  1. i see that all the time..and im thinking 'who would go to all the trouble to start a blog and then leave it blank'?...weird..

  2. ahhh glad I saw this - u probably get that with my comment - you see, I have a google acct so i can comment on your sites - but i have a wordpress blog not blogspot anymore, so if u dont allow anon comments i gotta sign in with blogger even tho i dont have a blogspot :) whew hope that helped and hope u keep visiting! hehehe


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