
Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Thursday Thought

I'm not sure but I bet if Dyson set their mind to it, they could build a hell of a bong.


  1. oh man...that would rock!..ha...
    years maybe 1975 someone gave me a bong for my birthday..and i am not a weed smoker..i was always doing bigger and badder drugs...but i thought what the hell it's a birthday was one of those water bongs that was electic and hooked up to a fish tank motor..does that make any sense..? anyhow...Im sitting on the floor lotus style and i take one of the little hoses and took a hit...well, the hits just kept on coming..that pump was pumping that smoke in faster than i could breath..and by the time i thought to take the fucker out of my mouth i had tipped over backwards with my croses legs in the air, on my back and so stonned i couldn't get my legs uncrossed or off my back..i think i layed like that for an hour before i could uncross my legs and sit up...which was very amusing to all my friends..

  2. Your friends sound like my old friends. One time Sooner passed out with the headphones on, never pass out with the headphones on! Somebody cranked up the music so loud, you could hear it across the room from Sooner, he never even stirred. I do remember those crazy electric bongs, they were kind of overkill but fun.

  3. speaking of sooner...has he bought a home in the bahama's and retired yet?

  4. you'd have to be bill gates to fill that little baby up every evening.

  5. YDG, no but he has complained that Oklahoma seems to be immune to the drop in housing prices. I think he bought a new car though.
    BP, sad but true.


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