
Friday, February 15, 2008

It's Alright, I'm a Cop from Florida!

By now you've probably seen the video of the Florida cop dumping the guy in a wheelchair onto the floor. I was trying to think of a protest that we could do if they don't charge the cop with anything. I think that we should dump people in wheelchairs onto the floor, ground or street as a protest. Lets say you're in the mall and you see a person in a wheelchair, run over there and dump them out and frisk them, don't feel bad, it's for their own good because it's part of a protest. If anyone says anything or tries to stop you just yell "It's alright, I'm a cop from Florida!" But if you are actually in Florida, you probably don't want to say that, for legal reasons.

Disclaimer: If you actually consider doing anything that this blog suggests, please check yourself into the nearest mental health facility without delay, tell them that Tex sent you.


  1. i see see the front page of the west news now...
    'jackie denney arrested for dumping 32 west home residents on the floor, claiming to be a florida cop.'

  2. That would be a damn fine start to our protest!

  3. I have a friend who is in a wheelchair. He wants somebody to dump him so he can sue. He's planning to wheel around and be as obnoxious as possible.

  4. I think people really should protest that kind of thing. We, should all be outraged that a cop did that. Maybe protesting isn't the answer but I think the heat should be turned up on the situation.


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