
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Obama Pledges Another $215 Million For Virtual Strip Search Scanners

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Obama administration has announced that a further $215 million dollars will be spent on installing virtual strip search naked body scanners, meaning the devices will be in no less than half the nation’s airports by next year, but the historical record clearly shows that the scanners are a completely illegal violation of human rights.

“The $215 million proposal to acquire 500 scanners next year, combined with the 450 to be bought this year, marks the largest addition of airport-security equipment since immediately after the 9/11 attacks. There are only 40 body scanners in a total of 19 airports now,” reports USA Today.

Privacy advocate Marc Rotenberg pointed out that the scanners were yet another expensive instrument of the war on terror being used against the American people.

“We’ll have another Homeland Security Department program for the war on terror used almost exclusively on Americans,” said Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

As we have highlighted, the naked scanners are a boon for the military-industrial complex and people like former Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff, who vigorously promoted their use in the aftermath of the staged underwear bombing, having a huge financial stake in seeing them rolled out nationwide.


  1. I really feel secure knowing sonso'bit...I mean diligent souls like this one are in the bureaucracy watching out for my best interests...
    Gives me a warm motherfuckin' fuzzy, it does!

  2. Ted - Real good screening process at TSA.
    I guess they have a don't ask don't tell pedophile policy.

  3. Christmas terrorist attempt just a ploy to sell scanners?? You guys are even more machiavelian than me. Check this out, give me your thoughts:


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