
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

By Sherwood Ross~Puppetgov

America is “a nation that seeks war” and if it doesn’t change it could end up destroying itself, a law school dean warns. Given all the wars the United States has waged, “It is preposterous but true that we do not see ourselves as a nation that seeks war,” writes Lawrence Velvel, dean of the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover. “We see ourselves as a peace loving nation” and that message is constantly drummed into the public by government and media.PG


  1. How could we possibly be money-grubbing war mongers... after all, God is on our side.

  2. we not only fight other countries if we run out of them, we fight each other..sigh*

  3. Nathan - Happy New Year to you too.

    Mr. Charleston - Seems he's always on our side, no matter what we do.

    Nixi - Hi!

    YDG - Whatever makes the military industrial complex happy.
    We vote for a guy that says he'll end our wars...I had high hopes, guess that's why I'm not too happy with Mr. O.

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  5. It is sad but true. The history of mankind is filled with wars. As Plato said, “It is only the dead who have seen the end of war.”

  6. Since the end of The War Between The States, America's only real reason for existence has been imposing the will of the Roman Catholic cult on everyone else on Earth, while empowering the Khazakh bankers.
    No matter who gets elected, this will not change.
    The Whore controls the GOP through the dominant internationalist ("neo-conservative") faction that's always talking about "global economy", and the Democratic through the Progressive (globalist) faction.

  7. Ted - I wish Ron Paul would run again, I think he'd have a MUCH better chance this time. That was who I was really for last time. I think he kicked as in the Republican debate.
    He really would stop the wars and bring our troops home. He wants to audit the fed too. Plus he's a libertarian (in republican's clothing) so I'm almost certain he would end the war on drugs.
    Sorry Ted, I didn't mean for this to turn into a political ad.

  8. Ron Paul has a lot going for him, but he does not handle the PR angle well enough. If he could get help from somebody who is not a beltway insider but knows how the press-manipulation game is played, he might get beyond Faux News into the general press without being epitheted a crack-pot.
    Obama did not succeed at ending wars because - as we've discussed here - war, and other forms of imposing The Whore's will, are what the establishment is all about. Reagan found out you get with the program, or a gut full of lead...Paul would also.


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