
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Home Invasion in OKC

Last night in OKC, three men armed with knives forced there way into a home and murdered all five occupants of the home.

Not really, last night in OKC three men armed with knives forced there way into a home, one of the occupants of the house was able to get to his gun, then shot and wounded one of the men. This helped the three home invaders decide to flee the residence. The three were last seen hauling ass, away from the residence in a dark colored Nissan Pathfinder.newsok


  1. "three men armed with knives"

    Were they "manaca-manaca-manaca"ing back and forth to eachother all during the hit?
    If so, too fuckin' bad they all didn't get shot...I'm a firm believer in 12-gauge "deportation"!


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