
Sunday, December 06, 2009

OMG! He's Got a Gun!

A Toronto man learned a hard lesson this week about the real danger of fake guns. Jeremy Bell found himself staring down the barrel of a police assault rifle after a neighbour spotted Bell in his office handling what looked like a genuine semi-automatic pistol.

It turns out Bell was putting the finishing touches on a handgun made entirely of black Lego bricks.

After showing his creation to a co-worker, Bell put the toy away. But the neighbour had already sounded the alarm, and a short time later the Emergency Task Force arrived with weapons drawn.

Bell was thrown up against the wall and slapped with handcuffs. After a quick investigation, police set him free.
So, guns are completely illegal in Toronto I gather?

They sure enough would have called the Emergency Task Force on my son and me yesterday, we went down by the creek and shot a real gun! (Whoa!)
Sometimes it's good to live in the USA, nobody called the cops. I would even venture to say, if a cop showed up, he would probably ask if he could try out the gun himself, and we would be glad to let him.

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