
Sunday, December 06, 2009

Kucinich: The War Is a Threat to Our National Security

Dennis Kucinich
December 5, 2009

WASHINGTON – December 3 – Following a speech on the Floor of the House of Representative, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) made the following statement:

“America is in the fight of its life and that fight is not in Afghanistan — its here. We are deeply in debt. Our GDP is down. Our manufacturing is down. Our savings are down. The value of the dollar is down. Our trade deficit is up. Business failures are up. Bankruptcies are up.

“The war is a threat to our national security. We’ll spend over one $100 billion next year to bomb a nation of poor people while we reenergize the Taliban, destabilize Pakistan, deplete our army and put more of our soldiers’ lives on the line. Meanwhile, back here in the USA, 15 million people are out of work. People are losing their jobs, their health care, their savings, their investments, and their retirement security. $13 trillion in bailouts for Wall Street, trillions for war; when are we going to start taking care of things here at home?”


  1. it's starting to smell like napalm in the morning..'good morning vietnam'

  2. YDG - "What are we fighting for?"
    "Don't tell me I wont understand, next stop is Afghanistan."


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