
Monday, January 21, 2008

Driving to Work in Oklahoma


  1. i was always so jealous that oklahoma had a play and a movie made about it and the greatest song...

  2. I hated this video because I hate winter and it is winter in New England and so damn cold you can't go outside without your snot freezing. And you have this cowboy singing what a beautiful god damn day it is!

  3. I was thinking about writing a musical about Texas...Does "sex is" rhyme with "Texas"?

    If it makes you feel any better it's suppose to get real cold tonight with wind chills in the single digits, then freezing rain on Friday.
    (60's by Sunday though)

  4. teeeeeexlahoma, where the wind bounces off your balls between your leeeeeegs..

    i just made that up...can you tell?


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