
Friday, January 18, 2008

Bush Economic Plan

President Bush, acknowledging the risk of recession, came up with a plan to save the economy. "Recent breakthroughs in technology can be used to make my plan possible."
"We will go back in time to the first day of my administration, when our country was at peace and the budget was balanced."


  1. how about if we go back 4 more years past that till clinton was getting blow jobs..there was even more money then..
    or was there..hell, who knows, we were so busy being intertained with the knowledge that our president was getting blown under his desk we didn't care..

  2. it might have been tax cuts that caused a few problems in the first place by widening the gap between the haves and the have nots.

    it sounds like that deficit balloon is gonna keep growing until it pops.

  3. YDG, yep things were good back then, too bad Monica didn't just swallow.
    BP, we'll have to get a democrat as president to balance the budget, if it even can be balanced now. I hope when the new president takes office he/she says "Our long national nightmare is over."


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