
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

It's Back

As I've said many times before, what little psychic power I have comes and goes. Well it's been around lately. This weekend, the guy that has my old job called and needed help with a problem. We fixed it right away, so we were just shootin' the shit and I told him about a "file" that looked like our company was at fault but it's not because... So, the next day the guy calls me and says "You're not going to believe what file I had to deal with today." Yep, the one I told him about, out of thousands!


  1. YDG - It's been crazy. Ever heard of Cosmic Consciousness? I've been having some strange things happen along those lines. I had a thought to do a post using the song "Low Rider" and maybe pics of girls from Low Rider magazine. Billy Pilgrim does it before I can. At work I start looking through safety stuff and notice a missing page, thirty minutes later a guy shows up with some safety stuff, including the missing page! It's just on and on I can't remember all the strange little things like that, it's pretty cool.

  2. keep working with it..fine tune it and hone it..we'll need it when the 'others' take over..


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