
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Australian TV Exposes ‘Stranded Polar Bear’ Global Warming Hoax

By Noel Sheppard~News Busters

Remember that wonderful picture of stranded polar bears on an ice floe that were used by folks like soon-to-be-Dr. Al Gore to demonstrate how dire the man-made global warming issue is?

Well, ABC television in Australia, on a show called “Media Watch,” recently debunked the entire issue (video available here, h/t NB member dscott).

It turns out — as NewBuster Jake Gontesky reported on March 20 — the picture was taken in August, “when every year the fringes of the Arctic ice cap melt regardless of the wider effects of global warming.”

You have to keep in mind that the bears are not in danger at all. This is a perfect picture for climate change…you have the impression they are in the middle of the ocean and they are going to die…But they were not that far from the coast, and it was possible for them to swim…They are still alive and having fun.

How delicious. Think this kind of broadcast would ever happen in America?


  1. i've quit worrying about global warming.

    old age or the spread of islam is probably gonna kill me first.

  2. Billy - I saw that, who knew?

    YDG - It's all about the offspring.
    I believe that children are the future. (Or, in general, they will go farther into the future than I.)

  3. Polar bears are now breeding with grizzlies, so we'll just have a new kind of bear when the arctic ice cap is totally gone. Hope we can swim faster than them.

  4. eh, with any media that is televised, always a bit of dramatic effect for the viewers. I never took the scene of the floating polar bears seriously...I believe we have a problem, but I don't play into the drama of media. I mean even the local and nat'l evening news (which I quit watching eons ago) begins their broadcast with that oh-so-serious dramatic music to set the scene for their bullchit ....chuckle :)

  5. I just don't buy it!!! Take a glass and fill it with ice...than water and set it on a table in the middle of the room. As the ice melts the water level stays the same becasue mass displaces water 1 to 1. I think a global Kevin Costner fish gill man "waterworld" is a scare tactic.

  6. Tina, you make two good points, if the other side of the issue got a real good pic they would use it, even if it was a little misleading.

    I use to blindly watch NBC news until I realized how one sided their coverage was after 9-11. So many unanswered questions but they just left them alone. They do like their dramatic music. Way back in the day one news program had the sound of many typewriters clacking away. I guess that was suppose to be dramatic.

  7. Aaron - I never thought about the ice thing, hmmm. My main sticking point with global warming is that it's suppose to be man made. I don't buy that. It's still good to conserve and go green, I just don't want to be taxed to death because SOME scientists think it's man made.

  8. I just read an article that explained the water displacemnt..there is this thing called meltwater..pools of water that build up on the surface of the ice as it melts. this meltwater is heavier than the ice it's sitting on, so law of gravity it finds its way down into cracks and as more and more water pushes through, it acts like a wedge and these cracks grow into rifts that grown into canyons and if there's enough meltwater to keep pushing through, the ice shelf eventually just snaps off. most of the ice shelf is already floatin on water so it doesn't effect the sea level itself..the problem is the massive glaciers sitting on land behind the ice shelf they're not if the ice shelves break off there is nothing to hold back the glaciers and boom Bob's your uncle.tada...takes a bow, scratches her ass and meanders off

  9. YDG - Do you expect me to believe that load of crap? (: Just kidding, interesting.


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