
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Palin's the real sexist

Republicans accusing Obama of sexism because of his lipstick on a pig comment don't know what they are talking about.
If he would have said "Don't vote for McCain because if his old ass dies in office, you will be stuck with a female president." that would be sexist.
Any person that votes for or against a candidate based on the sex of that candidate or the running mate is a sexist. Yes I'm saying anyone that votes for McCain because his running mate is a female is sexist. Just as I would be a sexist if I were to say "Women would probably vote for a woman candidate just because that person is a woman." or "Women shouldn't have the right to choose weather or not to terminate their pregnancy." or "Women don't need to be able to get a safe and legal abortion if that is what they choose."


  1. i missed the lipstick on a pig comment. are you sure he didn't say lipstick on a kunt?

  2. Maybe he did Billy, that would explain the Republican reaction.


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