
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Berlin, Rome, Paris


  1. But check it out, we still can test this. I'm not saying this is right but we can keep our eyes on Berlin, Rome and Paris. If they don't get hit before 2013 we'll know it's wrong. If they do...we can pretend we never saw this video.

  2. I have a problem with the phrase "unproven theory." All theories are unproven; that's the definition of a theory. What was that about Dec 13?...that's my husband's birthday.

  3. Joy,you're right about that. I wonder if all the other planets are really heating up. I know that mars is, so they probably are, same sun and all. I think they are trying to get a new tax on us with all this global warming stuff. Wow, Global Warming Bullshit is G.W.B. just like the president!


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