
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Mixed Results in Marijuana Study

Stopping marijuana use can produce withdrawal symptoms that rival those of nicotine withdrawal, according to a small study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

The study, which looked at 12 adults who were heavy users of marijuana and cigarettes, found that, similar to nicotine withdrawal, quitting marijuana caused symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, sleep problems and difficulty concentrating.

The study also showed that smoking marijuana helped patients with irritability issues, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders and concentration problems.


  1. im sure my son will be glad to hear that...when he's out of one will stay in the house with him...

  2. my best pal at the cracker factory spends $500 a month on bud and he's the cheapest prick i know.

    he can't function without it and you'd never know he's just smoked a killer joint talking to him, it's part of his existence.

  3. YDG, so when he wants the house to himself, he just has to play like he's out of weed...pretty smart.

    BP, man $500 a month, I'm impressed!
    I guess he kind of has to be cheap with a habit like that.

  4. yeah, i think when he wants the house to his self he just tells everyone he's out of weed...they run for the hills..go to a movie, out for to get away from him..

  5. interesting, the withdrawal symptoms are difficulty concentrating? haha thats a lil backwards - then again one can get 'high'ly focused and concentrate on a particular issue when tokin ;)

  6. YDG, that shit wouldn't happen if weed were legal, just saying.

    Tina, yep you can analyze a subject to death, guess that takes concentration.

  7. i told shady lane about this and she has been smoking since the 60's...probably every day since the 60's...she says bullshit..there is no such thing as withdrawl symptoms from weed...i asked her if she had ever gone a few days with out it to experience it..she said she's smoked it every day since th late 60's and she never had a withdrawl symptom..said you never went without it for a symptom to even manifest it self..she just laughed...

  8. So, it's too late to stop? You always have good news for us!

  9. no lie on the weed withdrawal - a friend in college would go nutso when she couldn't smoke her wacky tobacky


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