
Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Haircut

I was sitting in the chair getting my hair cut, listening to a couple of old ladies talk politics. "Hell no, I voted for Hillary." "If that other thing gets to be president, I think I'll leave the country." I was thinking to myself, I guess that's why Clinton won the Oklahoma Democratic primary. There are a bunch of old racist women here that would never vote for any black person but have progressed enough to vote for a woman, as long as she's white. I must have been making a face trying to hold in my outrage because someone quickly said "Let's don't talk about politics, I'm tiered of it." So the old ladies started talking about pain pills and muscle relaxers. One of them saying she was pretty buzzed because she took on of Maggie's pain pills and they must be stronger that hers were, they were a different color. They went on and on about swapping pills and all that. This stuff is fine with me but I'd bet you dollars to donuts that if a story came on the news (which we were watching at the time) saying that they had busted someone for prescription drug abuse, these ladies would be saying "Good! One less druggie on the streets!" They just don't see themselves the way I do.
But I guess that's life in Biblebelt, Oklahoma.


  1. oh do i know what your saying..its the same if not worse in west...i can't wait till i go to the old farts home and start listening to them talk about who and why they are voting for someone..
    years ago when i was doing some illegal substances, my daddy gave me this 45 minute lecture about the evils of drugs, how bad they were, they were bad, bad bad..then after all this he went in to the bathroom popped 2 valiums and went to work..i laughed my ass off..

  2. Gotta love the insanity in this country. Or do I mean hypocrisy?

    PS Glad to know we'll be neighbors in hell ;-)

  3. YDG, seems like it's real difficult for some people to step back and look at their own words and actions.

    Rocky, I think it's a little of both.
    If I'd seen that pic I'd have posted it too, so howdy neighbor!

  4. i think i saw one of those ladies in blazing saddles.

  5. BP, I remember that! These ladies just weren't quite as blunt but they meant the same thing.


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