
Friday, February 13, 2015

Conspiracy: Look-Up! What in the World Are They Spraying? [Full Movie] CHEMTRAILS


  1. For as many years as planes have been leaving 'chemtrails' if there was anything nasty about them we would all be dead now, get over it and move on.

  2. I know it sounds bad but sometimes I just want to bury my head in the sand and run away from these problems. I just hope my kiddos get to enjoy a decent future and we haven't ruined it for them with all the shit we have dumped into the air. Take care texlahoma.

  3. BBC - Believe what you will, the next time they are spraying your skies make sure to breath it in real deep.

  4. Mr. Shife - You seem like the kind of guy who needs to stay positive, why dwell on a problem you have little chance of solving?
    It's kind of sick that they are spraying aluminum that is slowly killing our trees and crops, but it's okay, Monsanto just happens to have developed GMOs that can thrive in aluminum.
    Try to have a good one!

  5. I sprayed something last night *ahem*...then I threw the condom away, put my clothes on and got the fuck out!

  6. Galt - You so crazy!

    Good to hear from you man.


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