
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Who's Killing Off Deep Field Astronomers and Why?


  1. Must not panic the herd.

    M U S T N O T....

  2. Sorry dude, but most of those birds were pushing 70.
    One becomes much more vulnerable to death at that stage of the game.
    Does Nibiru have an ICBM defense?
    We aren't the monkeys we were thousands of years ago/the last time they fucked with us.

  3. Wow Galt...

    You tossed in a hell of a lot in that post.

  4. Galt - Maybe I need to watch it again, but didn't most of them die in real freak accidents where age didn't play much of a role?

    Unless they were a bunch of old men doing Tosh.0 type things, which could prove to be quite deadly.

  5. Keep in mind that the Nibiru idea was first put forward in 1995 by Nancy Lieder,founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee with the ability to receive messages from extraterrestrials.

    Don't go losing any sleep over this.


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