
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Goodcop: Off-Duty Cop Finds $125,000 Cash in the Middle of the Road. Finds Owner, Returns it to Him

Contra Coasta, CA — A man’s life savings has been recovered after an off-duty California Highway Patrol sergeant found over $125,000 in cash in the middle of a Concord roadway.
A 20 year veteran with the California Highway Patrol, who wishes to remain anonymous, was driving in her personal vehicle Monday when she noticed drivers swerving to miss two objects in the middle of Concord Boulevard.
When the off-duty cop stopped to move the object she saw that it was two bank deposit bags. When she looked inside the bags she found $125,000 in cash.
Here is where the story gets interesting, she didn’t try to keep it for herself or bring it to the evidence locker or try and justify keeping the money for the department. The Concord police actually located the owner of the lost cash and returned it to him!

More at blacklistednews 

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