
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Why Name Your Broadcasting Company FOX? - A Theory

I don't know how Fox Broadcasting Company picked the name FOX.

I wonder though, if a meeting of the very top executives went something like this:

"Okay guys, it's no secret amongst us, that we've all sold our souls to Satan for success on this Earthy plane."

"Hail Satan."

"So I think that we should name our broadcasting company in his honor."

"We've found a very simple way to do that without upsetting the ignorant masses."

"We will honor Satan with his number, 666.

"There are only three letters in the English alphabet that make 6 in simple numerology."

"F = 6
O = 15(5+1=6)
X = 24 (2+4=6)"

FOX = 666

"Gentlemen, our new broadcasting company will be named FOX."

"And don't worry,  Americans are far too stupid to figure this out."

"Even if someone slaps them in the face with the facts, they will just go into denial and probably criticize the poor fool that figured it out!"

"Hail Satan."

"Hail FOX." 

A - 1
B - 2
C - 3
D - 4
E - 5
F - 6
G - 7
H - 8
I - 9
J - 10
K - 11
L - 12
M - 13
N - 14
O - 15
P - 16
Q - 17
R - 18
S - 19
T - 20
U - 21
V - 22
W - 23
X - 24
Y - 25
Z - 26

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