
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Marijuana Fortune Found In Silver Lake Backyard

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Dank Depot
What would you do if you found a duffle bag filled with prime, dispensary-style weed in your backyard? A) Kiss your peace fingers, kneel down and point at the sky (in gratitude to your god of choice). B) Curse the world because you ran out of rolling papers and can't find your lighter. C) Immediately jump on Facebook to invite 500 friends to massive toke-in.
If you're Silver Lake resident and game developer Mack Reed, none of the above:
You call the police.
Reed, a former Los Angeles Times reporter, blogged about the episode (link via LA Observed), saying he didn't want the drugs around his family.
Mainly though, he was afraid of the kind of people who might have come to retrieve the stuff:

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Katheirne Hitt / FlickrHe discovered the treasure -- 61 items, including labeled jars of buds and vacuum-sealed bags of hash -- recently after taking a solar technician to his backyard as part of an accounting of his property's electricity use.
Reed was getting solar panels installed. Green power would find him, indeed. As he lifted the hatches on an empty, unused, in-ground hot tub to show the solar guy it's electrical feed, he found a green duffle bag. Inside of it:
Thousands of dense little marijuana buds stare back at me, through industrial vacuum-sealed plastic, through thick Ziploc bags, through the crystal-argyle pattern of glass jelly-jars - all labeled in looping Sharpie letters with names like "Lemon Haze" and "Bubble Mix."
Full Story 

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