
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Obama to Start a Race War?

Samuel L. Jackson: I Voted For Obama 'Because He Was Black'

Samuel L Jackson

Assume for a moment that Obama is really going to try to start a race war before the 2012 presidential election.

A black president that starts a race war between whites and blacks, can't care to much about the blacks, can he?

I mean, whites are about 72% of the population, blacks are about 13%.

Just going by the numbers, he will lead the black population to their slaughter.

Think about it, don't be manipulated into a race war.

If you see things start heading that way, just keep in mind that you are being used in the worst way.

Hopefully, Obama won't start a race war.

Hopefully, even if he tries, neither blacks nor whites will fall for it.


  1. soon vancouver will be 75% chinese. when i drive by most schools in vancouver almost all the students are chinese.

    it's over for white people in canada. the only question is if the chinese or east indians take control.

  2. Bob - I think they are going to fake an assassination attempt, done by a white guy of course.
    I also think they had Zimmerman over charged so that people could be "outraged" when he is found not guilty. They can time this stuff any way they want to, for the most affect.

    Billy - Interesting, the U.S. has wide open borders with Mexico in certain places. I wonder if Mexicans and Chinese people get along.


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