
Friday, October 07, 2011

Russia May Sell Syria Advanced Weapons as NATO Prepares to Attack

Kurt Nimmo
October 7, 2011
On Thursday, the Associated Press reported that Russia and China vetoed a United Nations resolution on Syria because they feared NATO would use the move as an excuse to bomb the Middle Eastern country.
photoRussia plans to sell its advanced Iskander ballistic missiles to help Syria ward off a NATO attack.
Moscow said it opposes any resolution against Syria because of the way the United States, Britain, and France interpreted the resolution against Libya and used it as an excuse to invade the country and depose its leader Gaddafi under the cover of protecting civilians.
NATO exploited language in the resolution that authorized U.N. members to take “all necessary measures … to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack” while excluding any “foreign occupation force” in Libyan territory.
Russia, China, India, South Africa and Brazil argue that the Libya resolution did not justify months of air strikes against Gaddafi’s regime that killed at least 6,000 civilians. They believe a new resolution might be used in the same way to attack Syria and depose al-Assad.
Despite the wrangling at the United Nations, WorldNetDaily reported on Tuesday that a senior Syrian diplomatic official told the news website NATO troops are training in Turkey for a Turkish-led NATO invasion of Syria.
At the same time, Middle East security officials said Russia has been inspecting Syrian forces and has advising Syria about possible Syrian military responses should NATO attack the regime of al-Assad, according to Aaron Klein.
Russia has sold a large number of Iskander ballistic missiles and the officials said considering the threat of NATO invasion the Russians are looking at selling Syria its advanced S-300 anti-missile system.
  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Assad, however, is concerned the European Union and the United States may dangle a carrot and dissuade the Russians from supporting Syria. Assad has said if his country is attacked he will set the Middle East on fire.
“If a crazy measure is taken against Damascus, I will need not more than six hours to transfer hundreds of rockets and missiles to the Golan Heights to fire them at Tel Aviv,” Assad reportedly said, according to Iran’s state-run Fars news agency. Assad made the comments in a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmad Davutoglu on Tuesday, according to Ria Novosti.
It is reported Davutoglu relayed a message from NATO and the U.S. that Syria may face an international military campaign if al-Assad does not stop an alleged violent crackdown on an insurgency against his regime.
Assad reportedly warned that he will call on Hezbollah in Lebanon to launch an all-out missile campaign against Israel. He said Iran will attack U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf along with European interests.
WND also reports that Egyptian security officials said Assad instructed the Syrian military to be prepared for an air or ground campaign.

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