
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ron Paul wins Cleveland County's Republican Party straw poll

By Andrew W. Griffin
Red Dirt Report, editor
September 20, 2011

NORMAN, Okla. – Texas Congressman Ron Paul handily won a presidential straw poll in Cleveland County, Okla. this week with nearly 40 percent of the vote. The second-closest was Paul’s fellow Texan, Gov. Rick Perry, who won 29.5 percent of the vote in the straw poll.

Cleveland County Republican Party Chairman Bobby Cleveland emailed the results of the straw poll on Tuesday afternoon. The straw poll was conducted at the Cleveland County Fair.

The rest of the Republican presidential candidate field included Herman Cain with 15 percent; Rick Santorum with 8 percent; and Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann tying at 5 percent. Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson, Fred Karger, Newt Gingrich, Buddy Roemer, and Thaddeus McCotter were not listed and assumedly did not make it into the ranking.

A Los Angeles Times article, released today, notes that a USA Today/Gallup poll released this week notes that Paul is now in third place nationally, behind frontrunner Perry and second-place Romney.

And while the Texans have opted not to have a straw poll this season – presumably so Perry would not face a thrashing in his homestate by the more popular Paul – Oklahoma is holding one this week at the State Fair, according to the blog Grassroots in Oklahoma and while Perry is currently winning, the blogger urges Paul supporters to vote for the congressman. As was seen in California last week, Ron Paul won that state’s straw poll vote with 45 percent.

Copyright 2011 West Marie Media

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