
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Half Million March in Israel חצי מיליון מוחים בישראל

Uploaded by TheRealNews on Sep 6, 2011

Israelis skeptic of gov't- appointed committee to look into protest demands, organize biggest protest in country's history
מפגינים בספק שוועדת טרכטנברג שמונתה ע"י הממשלה תצליח לעמוד בדרישותיהם. ארגנו את המחאה הגדולה בתולדות המדינה
Israel's "March of the Million" brought out more people than any other protest in Israel's history. Meanwhile the government has decided to keep quiet, only appointing Professor Manuel Trachtenberg to head a committee to look into the demands of the J14 movement. Started on July 14, this march was the sixth in a row, and while many on the street have different ideas about how to move ahead, most have little faith in the Trachtenberg committee. The Real News' Lia Tarachansky reports from Tel Aviv and talks to protesters about how to move forward.

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