
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Florida Law Eliminates Gun Restrictions
August 17, 2011 by POPEYE
Filed under US News

(BOB LIVINGSTON) The Florida State Legislature has taken significant steps toward eliminating restrictions that had been previously placed on firearms, according to The New American.

Helping to protect 2nd Amendment rights for citizens, the measures would impose penalties on public officials who pass or enforce gun regulations at the State level, reported the website.

Legislators who violate the law face punishments that include a $5,000 personal fine and the risk of being removed from office by the Governor of Florida. The State has already enacted legislation that made it illegal to pass regulations beyond those that were imposed in 1987, The New American reported.

Governor Rick Scott has signed the Penalties for Violating Firearms Preemption Law, a measure that forces the repeal of all regulations passed in violation of the 2nd Amendment, according to the website.

The enacting of the legislation in Florida comes while the State Congress is in recess, a time when gun law expert John M. Snyder notes that Americans should go to their Representatives and proclaim their support for less regulation concerning firearms, an essay for read .

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