
Monday, May 02, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is dead and has been for many years

Osama Bin Laden is dead and has been for many years. I suppose most Americans are all excited about the news that Bin Laden has been killed, not me.

I do wonder about the timing of this lie, why now? Why not closer to the presidential election? Sadly, all that I can come up with is an impending false flag attack, to be blamed on Bin Laden supporters. Now that this boogeyman is dead, undoubtedly another one will have to be created to take Osama's place. Probably this next attack will be blamed on the new boogeyman. I found it amusing that they had Bin Laden be the bad guy right to the end, supposedly using a woman as a human shield. So as most Americans celebrate, I am filled with a sense of dread, waiting for a fake terrorist attack. To the masses, enjoy the jubilation, to the wise, expect a terrorist attack, probably a fairly big one, to be blamed on Osama's people.

P.S. As I was watching the news, I wondered about Bin Laden's body, how much trouble will they go to there?
 Will they take pictures of the guy they used in the (now admitted) fake Osama videos? Looks like no because, conveniently, Bin Laden was "Shot in the head and buried at sea."


  1. Your catch phrase comes to mind "how stupid do they think we are?".
    He was quickly buried at sea, evidence destroyed, just like the quick clean up of the twin towers.
    A large portion of the comment sections on the news sites have been disabled, btw. Guess they want to shove this down our throats without comment.

  2. I suspect a new boogyman has been/will be selected from the field of candidates white unto harvest here in the US. All that is needed is a few convincing lies from ABCNNBCBS and you, I, Alex Jones, Yellowdog Granny or spongebob could be made to fit the role and gotten rid of ala Tim McVeigh as enemies auf Der Schtaat.
    The 0bots will seize upon this as a rally point for reelecting the Kenyan communist.
    Personally, I hope the Papistocracy (Congress) senses its loss of power to the BanKhazars & starts cutting the budget & paying off debt, because the first places the axe is likely to fall are Homeland SchtaatenPolitzei, Thousands Sexually Assaulting and the World Police Force bureaucracy our military has become.

  3. Diane - Good to hear from you, I'm glad to see that you are still smarter than the average bear. That's interesting about the comments being disabled.

    Ted - I agree with you, glad you're seeing things clearly as usual.

  4. buried at sea?

    what is this, catch and release fishing???

  5. Is it just a coincidence that Obama's re-election campaign officially started on May 1?

  6. Billy - Just like fishing, if you don't have the fish, you can make up anything about it.

    Jason - I wish more people would ask questions like that. Most Americans seem to be eating it up.


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