
Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The way you see the world

It seems to me

Is mostly determined by geography

Where were you on earth?

At the time of your birth?

Who will you worship?

What will you be?

What will you fight for?

Will you be free?

So remember when we disagree

It's mostly just geography


  1. I was born in a cross-fire hurricane
    And I howled at my ma in the driving rain...

  2. hmmm, I love that poem..a lot..
    but being a kid of the military and living all over the place for so many years..might explain my weird way of thinking about stuff..ha

  3. Billy - On the day I was born
    The nurses all gathered 'round
    And they gazed in wide wonder
    At the joy they had found
    The head nurse spoke up
    Said "leave this one alone"
    She could tell right away
    That I was bad to the bone

    YDG - Glad you like it. I wrote it this morning. I moved around some when I was a kid too but just in the U.S.


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