
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Google Blacklists

Paul Joseph Watson
November 30, 2010

In a damning new lurch towards web censorship, Google’s news aggregator has blacklisted Prison Planet and Infowars despite the fact that both websites are internationally known and now attract more traffic than many mainstream media websites, while Google-owned You Tube has frozen the Alex Jones Channel based on a spurious complaint about showing Wikileaks footage that has been carried on hundreds of other You Tube channels for months.

After carrying our content for years, Google News last week purged Prison Planet and Infowars from its aggregator system, ensuring that our stories no longer appear alongside the likes of CNN and Fox News in a frightening early salvo in the move towards a tiered Internet that favors large corporations while independent voices are strangled.

Only smaller sites that re-post Prison Planet content have appeared in Google searches since early November, proving that the campaign is a deliberate effort on behalf of Google to restrict traffic to Alex Jones’ websites. Our stories have been linked almost every day on the Drudge Report for the past three weeks, as our readership figures soar past numerous corporate media websites that are carried by Google News. We are clearly a legitimate and internationally recognized news outlet and yet Google has blacklisted us because it disagrees with our political viewpoints.

In addition, Google-owned You Tube yesterday moved to freeze the popular Alex Jones Channel, which has well over 100,000 subscribers and has had over 75 million views. You Tube made a spurious claim that the channel had violated “community guidelines” by posting a segment from the infamous Wikileaks Apache footage, when the footage is in fact posted in greater length on hundreds of other You Tube channels, including Al Jazeera, Russia Today and CBS News.



  1. The web is disintegrating. It can be shut off at any time, all of it. b*stards.

  2. Diane - Seems like whenever something starts doing some good, that's when it becomes a target.

  3. Red Dawn - Thanks, I already checked it out and like it.

    Billy - I agree, it got too big, needs to be plowed under like last years garden.

  4. and i thought i liked google.....

    is nothing sacred?

    i am actually getting scared....

    one person one vote - what else to we have.....

    ah, i know - pamphlets

  5. Crazy4 - Google keeps a database on every little search that you make, Startpage doesn't.


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