
Monday, November 15, 2010

Big Sis Caught Lying

Propaganda piece attempts to quell massive backlash against naked body scanners, TSA molestation

Lie: The scanners are safe

Lie: The scanners are effective

Lie: The scanners cannot store/print/transmit images

Lie: Pat-downs are “discreet”

Lie: “Risk based” security procedure

Lie: The scanners are popular with the public

Steve Watson
Monday, Nov 15th, 2010

Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano, now forever known as Big Sis – a reference to George Orwell’s 1984 – has been caught telling some big lies in an attempt to quell an enormous public backlash against the full body scanning technology and invasive pat-down procedures that have been implemented by the TSA in airports nationwide.

In a blatant propaganda piece published by USA Today, Napolitano describes the scanning machines as safe and the pat-downs as “discreet”, in the face of a flood of complaints from scientists, pilots, flight attendants, privacy groups, parents, Muslim groups and everyday passengers, all rebelling against over the top security.

Whole Story prisonplanet


  1. Bush managed to take incompetent private security agents and turn them into an even more incompetent federal agency that's now the second largest in the government.

  2. Mr. C - To bad the Dems didn't put an end to all of that nonsense when they were in complete power.


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