
Friday, September 24, 2010

Buffett to taxpayers: Get over your anger - Taxpayers to Buffett: Easy for you to say, Billionaire

Taxpayers to Buffett: Easy for you to say, Billionaire!

We are tired of paying for unnecessary wars and occupations.
We are tired of paying for our own oppression and the destruction of our constitution.
We are tired of our representative doing what they want to and paying no attention to the will of the voters.
Bottom line, "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!"


  1. "Texlahoma" ??

    I'll bet you own a KICK-ASS pair of boots.

  2. Heff - You would think so huh?"
    I think I've seen some of your comments, Republican aren't you? Not a bad thing to be now days. Thanks for the comment, I'll stop by your place.


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