
Friday, June 04, 2010

A Blogger Question

A Blogger Question:

Is anyone else having trouble saving posts?

I haven't been able to save posts for months now.

It's hard to raise too much hell about something that is free, but come on!

Any tips or advise would be greatly appreciated.


  1. do you mean for a later posting date or just to save to drafts?...i have problems when i do a fridays post on thursday and try to save it so it will be posted at the time i request...if you email them you get a run around..but i found out if i want to save it to be posted later...before you save it you have to change the date first then hit save then hit publish..does that help>

  2. YDG - Thanks, but I can't even save something for one minute, it goes into the void as soon as I try to save it. I use to be able to save posts indefinitely.

  3. Wow, it's working now and all the post that I did try to save are there. Thank you, oh mysterious blogger God.


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