
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rand Paul Savages Obama’s Catastrophic “Green Economy”

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rand Paul Savages Obamas Catastrophic Green Economy

After trouncing his neo-con opponent comprehensively in the Kentucky Senate primary, Rand Paul savaged the man-made global warming scam for what it truly represents – an attack on the middle class and the industrialized world, as he warned President Obama and his sycophants, “we’ve come to take our government back”.

“I have a message, a message from the Tea Party – a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words – we’ve come to take our government back,” stated Paul to rapturous applause, adding that he would take on the special interests in Washington who treat the federal government as their own personal ATM.

“What you have done and what we can do can transform America,” said Paul, candidly warning that America’s greatness hinges on saving the country.

Paul added that America could be saved from its debt crisis “that is devouring our country and I think could lead to chaos.”

The victorious candidate then savaged President Obama for apologizing to Robert Mugabe, Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales for the industrial revolution.

“These petty dictators say that to stop climate change it’s about ending capitalism, they are explicit, and the President by attending Copenhagen gives credibility and credence to these folks and he should not go,” said Paul.

After Paul had started attacking Obama’s “green” agenda, CNN quickly cut away from his victory speech and began to talk over him. Perhaps that’s because Paul is perhaps the first person to address the fundamental threat that the global warming scam poses to the free world during such a major victory speech. This marks a new watershed in how much the credibility of climate change alarmism has collapsed in the last six months alone.IW


  1. I like this guy more every day. Two wishes of mine are for Rand Paul to get elected to the Senate and for Ron Paul to be elected President.

    If both of those things happened, just maybe, things could get better in this country.

  2. I don't care if he runs on the fuckin' Bull Moose ticket, he's got my vote for President!
    If The Establishment doesn't buy him off or blow him away, we might just get our country back, too.


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