
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Possession of Mountain Dew

Police charged Jordan Miles, 18, with assault and resisting arrest Jan. 11 because, they said, he fought with the officers who thought a “heavy object” in his coat was a gun. It turned out to be a bottle of Mountain Dew.Miles said he resisted because he thought the men were trying to abduct him and didn’t identify themselves as police.Miles’ family and attorney said he was hit with a stun gun and hospitalized after the violent Homewood struggle during which a chunk of his hair was yanked out and a tree branch went through his gums.”I was accused for something I never had anything to do with,” said Miles, an honor student at CAPA. “I was completely innocent. They couldn’t find anything.”Police took Miles to a Pittsburgh hospital for treatment. The student said he had to go back after he was released from custody.”I want my son’s life restored, that’s all,” said Miles’ mother, Terez Miles. “I just want his life to go back to the way that it was before.”City officials are conducting a full investigation, spokeswoman Diane Richard told Channel 11 News.Reportedly the officers identified themselves as police. According to officials, the officers have been moved from plain clothes detail to uniformed duty.
~jrnyjim ~Jonathan Turley
New York authorities have suspended two police officers and are considering criminal charges after this video showed them assaulting a handcuffed man, Jonathan Baez, 28. The video shows Officer John Cicero, 28, hitting Baez. Officer William Green, 26, is also seen hitting and kicking Baez.
Before the beating, two officers were wounded by a ricocheting bullet fired by a third officer at a pit bull reportedly belonging to the drug suspect. During the chase, the dog had pounced on the officers.
Two sergeants – Junior Carela and Phillip Connor – were also present and did nothing to stop the abuse. They only received desk duty even though they were witnessing a crime by two officers and did nothing to stop it. That seems to warrant something a bit more significant than desk duty.
Once again, it is worth noting that this case probably would never have materialized if it were not for a citizen’s videotaping the attack. Yet, police in Boston and England are arresting people for filming them in public places,
Not much of a video, the whole thing looks routine, including the beating.


  1. jeez, this just keeps getting worse and worse...

  2. YDG - I know it's no surprise, I wouldn't have even posted it but I disagreed with another blogger (who seems very nice) about the level of police brutality. I think it's rampant, I didn't even have to look for these stories and since the cops got tasers it has only gotten worse.

  3. Think it's bad now?
    Your clue to having no rights anymore at all will be when they nationalize the police, turning them into the official goon-squad of FedGov (which has already been proposed in different ways) after which it will be impossible to sue the bastards or get them in trouble for shit like this: They were "just following orders", like the butchering bastards at Buchenwald!...Of course, all government oppression and injustice is always "for our own good" you know!

    GO COLTS!!!


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