
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gun Control Advocate Shoots Intruder

Bob Ellis
Dakota Voice
January 13, 2010

What would you think if a long-time gun control advocate ended up shooting someone? Might the word “hypocrite” come to mind?

It did for me, and apparently for many others.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports North Carolina state senator R.C. Soles shot one of two intruders who attempted to break into his house.

But it gets even more interesting than the mere hypocrisy of a gun control activist shooting somebody.

The New York Times reports Soles won’t be seeking re-election, which is not a surprise since state prosecutors have said they plan to charge Soles because “he acted criminally when he shot a former law client.”



  1. Wow. The story did get more interesting. I guess that is one way to ruin a night or the rest of your life. Amazing how many hypocrites there are out there. And thank you for the letter from Pringles. Very funny and helpful as well.

  2. Mr. Shife - Thanks for taking it (Pringles letter) in the spirit in which it was intended. I guess Mr. (Hypocrite) Soles meant no guns for OTHER PEOPLE.

    Ted - I couldn't agree more.

    ## - Hi Ashley


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