
Monday, November 02, 2009

IBM 2006 Document 100% Chance of Pandimic within 5 Years

A document has surfaced revealing IBM was aware of the current H1N1 “pandemic” in 2006. Excerpts from “Services & Global Procurement pan IOT Europe, Pandemic Plan Overview,” an official inter-departmental document distributed to upper-level management of IBM in France during 2006 are posted on the Prevent Disease website. The document predicts a 100% chance of a “planned” pandemic occurring within five years.

The document provides more evidence IBM and other large corporations are on the inside track in relation to the manufactured and orchestrated pandemic now unfolding. As Infowars and Prison Planet continue to document, the H1N1 virus is a bioweapon designed to frighten the public and stampede millions of people around the world into taking a vaccine that is a soft kill and eugenics weapon.

In addition, the contrived pandemic is a tool designed to implement martial law and increase government control over populations. The IBM document describes “quarantines”and operational procedures to be taken upon official announcement of the engineered pandemic by the World Health Organization.

“This single document definitively proves there is international, corporate collusion behind the ‘bird/swine flu pandemic’ and the intentional plan to create disease on a worldwide scale,” reports Prevent Disease.

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