
Friday, June 19, 2009


OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - Oklahoma City police say a man told officers he was attacked for his bologna and cheese sandwich.

Officers say 24-year-old Roger Hamilton told them he was sitting on a bus station bench, about to put mayonnaise on his sandwich when another man began staring at him.

Hamilton says the man then punched him in the mouth and grabbed his sandwich and left.

Police say Hamilton has a swollen lip and his face was covered in blood.

The sandwich was valued at 76 cents.


  1. 76 cents! what a bargain!

    i always carry a spare jar of mayo in case the need arises.

  2. Billy - You'd fit right in down here in Ok.

  3. i'd mug someone for a 'fried bologna' sandwich but not a plain one..and mayo on bologna?...sigh*...what is the world coming too...

  4. is it wrong that looking at that picture makes me hongray?


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