
Sunday, May 03, 2009

John Coleman

Weather Channel founder John Coleman speaks out on man made global warming.


  1. of everything i have read for or against global warming, this is the best written and most understandable...i'm starting to leeeeeeean...

  2. John Coleman founded the Weather Channel, but his degree is in journalism. He has NO scientific background at all. He is no longer even affiliated with the Weather Channel; he reads the weather off a teleprompter at a TV station somewhere in California. So I'm not impressed by his opinions.

  3. YDG _ You're kind of like me on this subject. I don't really claim to know but I'm sure willing to look at both sides of it.

    Joy - Ok, I think I already made Tina a little mad over this issue.
    (BTW I do respect her opinion, I know she's very intelligent. I'm just not sure that she's right about this.)
    If you've looked at both sides of this and you think global warming is man made then there's no point in arguing. But I still might, from time to time, show non-mainstream opinions about global warming on this blog. Even though it's highly unpopular to do so.

  4. I love non-mainstream stuff! I just think scientific issues should be addressed by scientists, not people using science jargon who essentially have no background in science.

  5. there was an article in my DAM News that said a large percentage of the scientest that were screaming golbal warming are now starting to think differently..

  6. Scientific American just had an article that said exactly the opposite!


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