
Friday, October 31, 2008

"Trick or Treat!"

We usually have some trick or treaters on Halloween night. My wife went trick or treating with a bunch of people and left me home alone. I had just gotten out of the shower when she left, it was just before dark. I figured I'd get dressed, go to the store, get everything just so then turn on the porch light when I was good and ready to deal with greedy little kids, lookin for a handout.
Right after she left kids started banging on the door, yelling "Trick or Treat!" Bob was still inside and barking, there was no way I could open the door. A few minutes later, same thing. I'm thinking "Damn, the Bush economy has really got the trick or treaters acting aggressively!" Anyway I finally get dressed and am walking to the car and see that Shelly had turned on the porch light before she left. She's so thoughtful.


  1. i always loosen the bulb in the porch light on oct 31.

    leaves me lots of candy the next day.

  2. YDG, I don't know if she plans it that way but she usually messes me up one way or another.

    Billy, I'll remember that for next year.


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