
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's Hot!

Here's what Oklahoman's have to look forward to the next seven days.



  1. sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
    its hotter there than it is here..feck!
    it's sad when you pray for a hurricane to hit the lower part of your state just so there might be a chance of rain where you live...come on dolly....we have a 30 percent chance of rain thursday..which means I have a better chance of getting laid than we do of getting rain

  2. those numbers are so big i thought they were gas prices at first.

    i hope bob's keeping cool.

  3. YDG, the whole state has agreed to sing "Hello Dolly" if she comes up here.
    Billy, he got hot digging a hole in the back yard while I was grilling some burgers.
    (BTW, the burgers wouldn't talk.)
    Bob came in and laid down right in front of the AC, he didn't want to be a hotdog.


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