
Sunday, June 08, 2008

Can we still have spoons?

Researchers noted that the rate of violent crime in Britain rose nearly 18 percent from 2003 to 2004, and that in the first two weeks of 2005, 15 killings and 16 nonfatal attacks involved stabbings. Cities that imposed strict knife control laws saw a decrease in knife stabbings of 18 percent however fork stabbings were up by 50 percent, attacks using blunt objects such as bats and rocks were up by 25 percent. Cities imposing strict fork, blunt object and rock control saw an 18 percent fall in attacks using them however they also saw a 50 percent rise in attacks using ropes, extention cords and chains. Cities imposing strict chain, rope and wire control saw a drop in violent crimes using them but also noted a 70 percent rise in attacks using...


  1. Jeez...what ever happened to kicking the shit out of someone?...

  2. Ah, the good old days.
    That reminds me, I was once on a beer drinking team called the
    "Shit Kickers". We made those frat boys run off crying to mommy 'cause we could drink beer faster than them.
    Glory Days.

  3. i kicked the shit out of some baylor students when i turned 40 years old..they cut us off on i-35 and then the light caught them and i literly pulled them out of the window and kicked the shit out of them...freaked out my new daughter in law to be...funny then...thinking back on it...not so funny...well, maybe a little.

  4. It amazes me how the British have basically acquiesced while their government turns the country into more and more of a police state. Sad, really. It's happening here, too, but not nearly as bad as over there.

    Jackie, I think there are more than a few kids going to Baylor who need their asses kicked... :-)

  5. It's good to live in a part of the country that is still fairly free, on that issue at least. I'd just have to be a law breaker in New York or California. The states with the tightest gun laws are the states where you need one the most!


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