
Sunday, February 10, 2008

A typical American couple concerned about steroid use by professional athletes.


  1. really? you guys look more like you're ponderin' global warming. ;-)

  2. It was either steroid use, global warming or gay marriage that consumed their thoughts.

  3. Why is steroid use by pro athletes such a big deal? Why is Congress investigating it? Where in the Constitution does it say Congress has to take action on drug abuse? Who cares?

  4. YDG, yeah the girl in the cap doesn't look too feminine.
    Joy, I have no idea. I agree with you totally.
    If in theory, they are worried about kids or young athletes using them, this is like a giant add for the stuff. It should be more like a "Don't ask don't tell" (which substances you're using) policy.

  5. I nearly fell out of my chair today when a NASCAR driver commented on how they were wasting time on baseball when there were real issues like the war. I think I'm gonna join his fan club.

  6. Babs, I don't think I've been giving NASCAR drivers enough respect. I think I'm a fan of whoever said that.


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