
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bob's Big Adventure

Sonny Boy got a job in a different town, got tiered of commuting and moved closer to his job. Bob is technically his dog so he went with him. Sonny's landlord warned him that the old renters might try to come back and get some stuff that they left behind.
The locks were changed and Bob was going to stay in the house while Sonny was at work.
When Sonny got home, Bob was sitting on the front porch, not locked inside like he should have been. A window had been broken out and opened but nothing was missing. I guess whoever it was broke out the window, opened it and then met Bob. I suspect
they not only met Bob but were chased by Bob since he was on the outside of the house.
(Sonny noticed Bob chewing on something, it was a human toe! So, Sonny, being a responsible adult, immediately called a toe truck!) (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Sonny had to tell the landlord what happened, because of the window. The house was rented as NO PETS so Bob had to come back home, which made me happy. Bob still gets to visit Sonny's house on weekends, it's kind of like child custody!
(This is a true story except for the toe part.)


  1. i've said it before and i'll say it again, god bless bob.

  2. can bob come spent a few weeks in west?...I have some people I would like to introduce him to..hee hee!..
    i love the toe truck joke..that's a good one...and will have to remember that..matter of fact i will tell it to shady a former pitty bull dog owner..she'll like that..

  3. Thanks rube!
    Junebugg, maybe I should have him cloned.
    YDG, I'm glad sonny got him, I never knew how good a dog pit could be. Maybe for Halloween I'll dress up as a guy who's hand got chewed off and have bob chewing on a fake hand, I bet we'd get lots of candy!


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