
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Arlington Hotel Hot Springs, Arkansas

"I was sitting at the bar talking to the bartender, and I asked the hotel's ghost stories. She said that she'd heard of a few things like that, and began to relate a few stories - what I noticed, though, was that her voice was very low, as if she was afraid that someone would hear. Whenever someone came by, she stopped talking and waited for them to leave. She told me that when she first started working there, a particular bottle of wine would continually jump off the bar, as if some unseen hand was knocking it off on purpose. She went on to say that many customers had seen this occur."

"Customers had also come up to the bar and told her stories of people in old fashioned clothes walking down the hall, or strolling through the lobby, and simply disappearing. The strangest thing, though, is that she said there were several rooms in the hotel that have been permanently locked, and neither visitors or staff are allowed to enter. Some have been permanently walled up."



  1. dee dee dee dddddddeeeee.....eerie..
    i go visit sue and ? cant remember his name on my is nothing but ghost stories and ufo experiences ...check it out it's under sue and thom i think...

  2. I was actually staying at the Arlington on the date this was posted. I tried and looked, but saw no ghosts. But I didn't get a chance to hang out by the bar, much, either. So..I'll have to look more when I return there. We did stay next to Al Capone's room. It was cool!

  3. My husband and I stayed in The Arlington last night. We immediately noticed that there was a door in our closet to another room. It would not open and they key hole was filled. We noticed on the evacuation plan that our room was actually a suite that was supposed to have another room attached to it. we were in room 543 and room 542 was supposed to be connected. When we went into the hallway there was no room 542. Not even a door. I got on here to see what I could find about the room when I came across this blog. Thought you might find it interesting!

  4. We took my 80- something year old grandmother to the Arlington and to Hot Springs for the spas. We stayed in 429. My mom & I were in the vending room by the bath house on the 4th floor (the same floor as Al Capone's suite) and saw a tall caped or trench-coated figure. It came out from between the ice machine & coke machine and went right back jn between them and disappeared. My mom & I both saw it at the same time and couldn't sleep all night. Me being the curios one, we still wanted a coke, so we went back and there was nothing between the machines but a 5 ft space, a puddle of water on the floor, and a crack in the wall that looked like a door used to be there. Our hair had stood up when we
    saw it, nothing was said, we turned and was piling
    out over eachother to get out of the vending room!
    When we first opened the door it sounded like someone mopping in there. No one was there but the caped figure.

  5. We took my 80- something year old grandmother to the Arlington and to Hot Springs for the spas. We stayed in 429. My mom & I were in the vending room by the bath house on the 4th floor (the same floor as Al Capone's suite) and saw a tall caped or trench-coated figure. It came out from between the ice machine & coke machine and went right back jn between them and disappeared. My mom & I both saw it at the same time and couldn't sleep all night. Me being the curios one, we still wanted a coke, so we went back and there was nothing between the machines but a 5 ft space, a puddle of water on the floor, and a crack in the wall that looked like a door used to be there. Our hair had stood up when we
    saw it, nothing was said, we turned and was piling
    out over eachother to get out of the vending room!
    When we first opened the door it sounded like someone mopping in there. No one was there but the caped figure.

  6. We took my 80- something year old grandmother to the Arlington and to Hot Springs for the spas. We stayed in 429. My mom & I were in the vending room by the bath house on the 4th floor (the same floor as Al Capone's suite) and saw a tall caped or trench-coated figure. It came out from between the ice machine & coke machine and went right back jn between them and disappeared. My mom & I both saw it at the same time and couldn't sleep all night. Me being the curios one, we still wanted a coke, so we went back and there was nothing between the machines but a 5 ft space, a puddle of water on the floor, and a crack in the wall that looked like a door used to be there. Our hair had stood up when we
    saw it, nothing was said, we turned and was piling
    out over eachother to get out of the vending room!
    When we first opened the door it sounded like someone mopping in there. No one was there but the caped figure.

  7. This is a ghost story about the Arlington Hotel...We stayed in a room on the fourth floor...when we opened our closet door it opened up to the room next to it...we went outside in the hallway to see if it was a rented was sealed shut with no room number...we opened the door to the other room and we saw two ghosts in a compromising position...there was a fog sort of atmosphere and an old suitcase with travel stickers on it...we went back to the hotel 10 years later and ask to rent the same room and was told it was not available...we checked the exterior of the building for an outside entrance...there was none...we stopped a cleaning lady on our floor and she said her friend cleaned all the 4th floor rooms and she had the key...the room we stayed in had the closet walled up and had 2 massage tables in it...that was weird since they had a full spa down the hall...the y had sealed several rooms off including the one we could walk into on our previous visit...


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