
Thursday, December 04, 2014


Best grab a big ol barf bucket before you watch this video, if you know anything about Hillary Clinton, her lies, her ruthlessness, her history.

She obviously thinks Americans have the mentality of a three year old.

Something to think about, if Hillary is elected president, they'll have to add on to the White House, her ego will need someplace to stay.

A little more Hillary:


  1. Who would you like to endorse for President? Not that our votes have anything remotely to do with the outcome. Just curious? Is there some great white hope out there who is going to right all the wrongs and stand for truth, justice and the American way? If the people who rule the world want Hillary in the White House for 8 years, nothing you or I can do will stop it from happening.

  2. she'd be taking a huge pay cut to become the prez but i guess she could double her fees from 300k to 600k per speech after finishing up.

    i still think a retired general like powell or clark would make the best prez.

  3. Not looking forward to next 2 years of political ads and commentary to hear about candidates that will make false promises.

  4. Big old barf bucket is right.
    Oh my GOD, the sugar-covered bullshit!

  5. Mohave - Maybe Rand Paul, but I think you're right, it doesn't make much difference who we (little people) want.

  6. Billy - I think she like POWER more than money.
    Yeah, I kind of like Clark, he spoke the truth about which countries the U.S. was going to attack after 9/11, and how stupid it was.

  7. Mr. Shife - We'd better put our waders on, it's going to get deep.

  8. Galt - Oh, it's so insulting to our intelligence, of course she not looking to get votes from smart people. She's going for the Idiocracy types.

  9. I just plain give up. Seriously I never vote anymore. What will be will be. I don't complain about it either. Just being myself in my world only go out to work to support me in my world. ;)

  10. McRaven - That's probably the healthiest and most realistic way to look at politics. It's all smoke and mirrors anyway. The powers that be will rig the vote in key states to make it come out their way or make it end up with both of their candidates running against each other, a win - win for them.


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