
Monday, November 24, 2014

Hillary Clinton Exposed Full Movie- She BANNED this from Theaters


  1. I could stomach only about half of that video. I doubt I'll ever see the 2nd half.

    My stomach can't take it.

    Hillary like so many vicious and power mad lunatics - should be confined in a padded cell and sedated forever.

    Don't bother locking her cell door and throwing away the key... weld the damned door shut.

    If she becomes president, I will more to New Zealand (North Island) and give up my citizenship. It won't mean anything anymore.

  2. I am really not looking forward to the next 2 years of political ads and all insanity, bull shit and lies that comes with it. And on that note, Happy Thanksgiving, texlahoma. Hope you and yours have a super duper day.

  3. It would take a handling job on a scale that makes the Obama Candidacy & Presidencies look amateur in comparison to get this cunt into the Blight House.
    KILLary has proven time and again via diarrhea-of-the-facehole she CANNOT Make it through the campaign trail - "Hoof in mouth"? Try GRENADE In mouth!!! Then da bitch pull da pin! She is the Democrat Sarah Palin.
    The implosion will be an unmitigated disaster that even the most reprobate minds in the Khazar-Papist cabal Damage Control Department will not be able to contain!

  4. BBC - I agree, but not just because she will be a female, but because she will be picked and funded by the elite and she will have to pass their "rotten test", Hillary passed with flying colors.

  5. Bob - I totally agree, I watched the whole thing, but had to take a shower afterwards.

  6. Galt - Yeah, the bad guys were licking their chops for a while at the thought of Hillary vs Chris Christie a win-win for them. Hopefully they have self destructed themselves too much for that.


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