
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Did This 3 Year Old Novel Accurately Predict What's Happening & the Fall of America?


  1. Interesting. I did a little Googling about 299 days after I watched the video. I saw this about the author: “Glen” keeps his identity a secret so he won’t lose his job because, in his line of work, being a prepper and questioning the motives of government is not appreciated.
    Sad that we can question the motives of our govt. openly anymore or we might end up with a one-way trip to Guantanamo.

  2. Mr. Shife - My wife is an avid reader, she doesn't like his writing style. I read a little of it, can't say I blame her.

    Yeah what a screwed up society, not cool to be prepared (Prepper), to want to know where the president was born (Birther), to want to know the truth about 9-11 (Truther). The list goes on and on, best to just be a brain dead sheep who believes everything the gov and the MSM tells you.

  3. Mr. Shife - My wife is an avid reader, she doesn't like his writing style. I read a little of it, can't say I blame her.""

    Most apocalyptic literature - even the fiction & Especially the RELIGIOUS Fiction (but alas, I repeat myself) - is horrific in quality.

    Yeah what a screwed up society, not cool to be prepared (Prepper), to want to know where the president was born (Birther), to want to know the truth about 9-11 (Truther). The list goes on and on, best to just be a brain dead sheep who believes everything the gov and the MSM tells you.""

    That's because opposing the money&power worshipping nihilists that pose as "godschosen" & "one true" is considered ANTIZEMITICK HERESY!!!

  4. Galt - I was disappointed that the book wasn't more readable, I could probably muddle through it but my wife is use to reading only the best authors.

    (Gobblers) - brain dead sheep who gobble up everything the gov and the MSM tell them.


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