
Thursday, June 05, 2014

Michael Hastings Was Murdered for Almost Exposing Bowe Bergdahl


  1. I still think the saudi royal family is in on it.

  2. Wow. I had no idea about this until I came to your blog, texlahoma. Thanks for sharing. It just sickens me to hear Obama say that we leave no man behind while there are veterans denied help and killing themselves. We need to be helping those men as well. They are not disposable heroes.

  3. The government is all a great big illusion to the American people. What you see is not what is. So very sad. Greed and control.

  4. Most SHEEPle have No Clue how close we are to being muzzled.

  5. Billy - Could be, but I'm trying to stay on the Saudi royal family's good side. I want to raise camels for them to race in Oklahoma, I know, it's a long-shot.

  6. Mr. Shife - There is something screwy about this, I don't think it was about getting the American as much as it was to let the five Taliban go, why I have no idea.
    I afree with you about the vets.

  7. McRaven - Yeah, so many events that most people think really happened are a complete hoax. Like you said "control" people don't know how to react if they don't even know what's real.

    BTW - Have you seen the video of Bergdahl's eyes? Creepy!

  8. Galt - If I start writing articles praising the government, read between the lines.

  9. Galt - If I start writing articles praising the government, read between the lines.""

    It's hard to imagine that EVER happening, you're much too alert.
    I was just sharing a link to the story the Establishment press was probably trying to suppress under this overblown smokescreen.
    Money talked & Bergdahl walked, PLUS the KHAZAristocracy got to plant the seeds for our next undeclared, interventionist, "police action" in the Middle East.

  10. Galt - Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head with "Plant(ing) the seeds for our next undeclared, interventionist, "police action" in the Middle East.

  11. Howdy, texlahoma. Have a good weekend and Happy Father's Day to you as well.


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