
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Michelle Obama IS A MAN 24/7



  1. Leo, the fat ass is probably a strap-on tool known as a bussle.
    They actually advertise them on TV in Europe & the pacific rim.

  2. Well I certainly wasn't expecting this when I ventured over to say hello to you, texlahoma. I have heard a lot of things about Mr. and Mrs. Obama but this is the first I have heard about her sporting a penis. Interesting. Have a good one, buddy.

  3. Billy - I heard that the Obamas were compromised via a two way mirror in a hotel. Looks like Michelle is the
    "First Gentleman".

  4. Bob - I'm not saying this is Obama, but if the shoe fits...The Man of Sin opposes God and exalts himself against all that is genuinely sacred (v. 4). He feigns religiosity, but his true character reveals that he is diabolic. His activity actually is “according to the working of Satan”

  5. Galt - I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.

  6. Jeez.

    I now wonder why the hell my wife and I spent our lives following the rules and living by the good book.

    She's now in a rest home mostly paralyzed from a stroke, our supposed good insurance cut her off and now we have only Medicaid to help. We're broke - all our savings are gone - and damned few prospects ahead.

    To watch all these thieving, rotten bastards prosper and enjoy the good life after living a life of crime and getting away with it makes me think it's time to start playing Robin Hood.

    But then again... I have no experience whatever being a no-good son of a bitch.

    Maybe it's not too late to learn.


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